PlayStation Plus
PS-One Klassiker (kostenlos)
- Resident Evil Director’s Cut
- Resident Evil 2
- Resident Evil 3: Nemesis
Full Game Trials
- Saint’s Row 2
- Bolt
PS3 Games
- Cubixx HD (30% günstiger)
- Resident Evil 4 (50% günstiger)
- Saint’s Row II: Corporate Warfare
- Saint’s Row II: ULTOR Exposed
- Armageddon Rider: Logo 2 Avatar
- Armageddon Rider: Zombiemower Avatar
- Resident Evil 4: Ada Avatar
- Resident Evil 4: Ashley in White Top Avatar
- Resident Evil 4: Leon Kennedy Avatar
- Resident Evil 4: Luis Avatar
- Resident Evil 4: Saddler (Hooded) Avatar
PlayStation 3
Downloadable Games
- Resident Evil 4 ($19.99)
- Cubixx ($9.99)
- Saints Row 2 ($19.99)
- Bolt ($19.99)
- Burnout Crash! ($9.99)
- Altered Beast ($4.99)
Game Demos
- NBA 2K12
- Burnout Crash!
- Fallout: New Vegas – Lonesome Road ($9.99)
- Street Fighter III: Third Strike Online Edition Unlock Gill ($0.99)
- F1 2011: Vip Pass ($9.99)
- Skydrift: Extreme Fighters Premium Airplane Pack ($1.49)
- The Baconing – Roesha ($0.99)
- Disgaea 4 – Hi-Res Asagi (free)
- Rock Band 3
“All Apologies” – Nirvana ($1.99)
“Heart-Shaped Box” – Nirvana ($1.99)
“Rape Me” – Nirvana ($1.99)
“You Kbisher You’re Right” – Nirvana ($1.99)
Artist pack ($6.99)
- Rock Band Network v2.0
“Be Careful What You Wish For” – Memphis May Fire ($1.99)
“Dawn Of The Condoms” – Ultra Saturday ($0.99)
“Megalodon” – Mastodon ($1.99)
“The Difference Between Medicine And Poison Is In The Dose” – Circa Survive ($1.99)
- Saints Row 2: Ultor Exposed (PS3) (ab sofort $9.99)
- Saints Row 2: Corporate Warfare (PS3) (ab sofort $6.99)
- Mass Effect 2 (PS3) (ab sofort $59.99)
- StarDrone (PS3) (ab sofort $7.99)
- 5 In 1 Arcade Hits (PS3/PSP) (ab sofort $3.99)
- Blimp: The Flying Adventures (PS3/PSP) (ab sofort $1.99)
- MiniSquadron (PS3/PSP) (ab sofort $1.99)
- Hammerin’ Hero (PSP) (ab sofort $19.99)
- R-Type Command (PSP) (ab sofort $14.99)
- Resident Evil Director’s Cut (PS3/PSP) (ab sofort $9.99)
- Resident Evil 2 (PS3/PSP) (ab sofort $5.99)
- Resident Evil 3: Nemesis (PS3/PSP) (ab sofort $5.99)
- Steambot Chronicles Battle Tournament Digital (PSP) (ab sofort $14.99)
- Qore Episode 40: September 2011
- Pulse 9/20 Edition
- UNCHARTED 3: Drake’s Deception Gamescom Trailer
- Ratchet & Clank: All 4 One Weapon Series 1
- Ratchet & Clank: All 4 One Weapon Series 2
- PixelJunk SideScroller Gameplay Video
- Nba 2K12: Nba’s Greatest Trailer
- Supremacy MMA Fight Trailer
- Supremacy MMA Killer Moves Trailer
- Disney Universe Lion King Trailer
- Burnout Crash! Trailer
- Mass Effect 3 Squad Leader Trailer
- NBA Jam On Fire Edition 1St Look Sizzle Trailer
- NBA Jam On Fire Edition Producer Video
- Galaga Legions Dx Special Trailer
- Soulcalibur V: Comic-Con Trailer
- Atelier Totori Trailer 01
- Disgaea 4 Trailer
- Eufloria Trailer
- Renegade Ops Launch Trailer
- Driver San Francisco Car Reveal Trailer
- Driver San Francisco Demo Trailer
- Driver San Francisco Don’t Blink And Drive Trailer
- Soulcalibur V: Gamescom 2011 Trailer
PS3 Themes
- 4 Elements HD: Theme 1 (kostenlos)
- Street Fighter 3: Third Strike Online Edition Theme ($0.99)
- Dream Girlfriends Static Theme ($1.49)
- P90 Premium Theme ($2.99)
- Ant’s Ruin Picnics Dynamic Theme ($2.99)
- NCAA Dynamic Themes x13 (Michigan) ($2.99)
- Abstract: Dancer Dynamic Theme ($1.99)
- Sci Fi: Alien Invasion Dynamic Theme ($2.99)
PS3 Wallpapers (kostenlos)
- 4 Elements HD Wallpaper 4
- 4 Elements HD Wallpaper 1
PlayStation Portable
- Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 2: Innocent Sin Digital ($39.99)
PSP minis
- Edge ($4.99)
- Pulse 9/20 Edition
PSP Themes
- 3D Blue Plasma PSP Theme ($1.99)
- P90 PSP Theme ($1.99)
- M21 PSP Theme ($1.99)
- Vector PSP Theme ($1.99)